maandag 4 juli 2011

Orthodox en (dus) open, open en (dus) orthodox

Uit een artikel over Angelo kardinaal Scola, de nieuwe Milanese aartsbisschop, van John Allen:
The legendary Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete, the public face of Communion and Liberation in the United States, met the movement through Scola in 1993. He said Scola struck him as a remarkable blend of doctrinal orthodoxy and zest for life.
“I had met lots of priests who were alive, free, spontaneous, understanding, wanting to share people’s lives in all their aspects, but they had problems with the teachings of the church,” Albacete said in a 2005 interview. “On the other hand, I found priests who accepted the teachings of the church, but in a subservient way. They were rigid, boring and afraid.”
In Scola, however, Albacete said he found what he had been seeking.
“He was not rebelling against the church,” Albacete said. “Yet he was the freest and most spontaneous priest I ever met.” [...]
Across political and theological divides, Scola has a reputation for being un-clerical, unpretentious, and not at all aloof. In Venice, for instance, he set aside Wednesday mornings to meet anyone who wanted to see him, whether or not they had an appointment.
Over the years, Scola’s priorities as a leader have also tended to be fairly ad extra, meaning engaged with the world outside the church. One signature cause has been his “Oasis Foundation”, launched in 2004 to promote solidarity among Christians in the Middle East and dialogue with the Islamic world.
To be sure, Scola doesn’t play to universally positive reviews. A prominent liberal Catholic movement in Italy, Noi Siamo Chiesa, issued a statement on his move to Milan expressing “bitterness and disappointment among those who believe in reform of the church.”
“This appointment is a product of an imposition from on high, which leaves a large part of the diocese disconcerted,” the statement read. “We see a bishop returning who wasn’t accepted here as a priest.” [Helemaal waar: als seminarist is Scola weggestuurd van het Milanese groot-seminarie, omdat hij bij CL was -vh]
(Given the historic rivalry between Communion and Liberation and the progressive currents in Milan under Martini, the Scola appointment is an especially bitter pill for many Milanese liberals. They seem to feel a bit like Red Sox fans when they see the American League pennant slipping away: “Please, God, anyone but the Yankees!”)
Scola’s nomination, the statement asserted, “confirms the scarce spirit of ecclesical communion of those who now guide the church, who want to impose a single line everywhere and at whatever cost. It’s the line of those who want to put the Second Vatican Council into a deep freeze.”
Dit laatste is natuurlijk onzin, maar vast staat dat kardinaal Scola in Milaan ons gebed goed zal kunnen gebruiken.

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