zondag 6 november 2011

FAQs over het katholieke geloof, met de antwoorden

Afgelopen week is Aleteia.org on-line gegaan, een nieuw internetinitiatief van katholieke leken in samenwerking met de Pauselijke raad voor sociale communicatie en de onlangs opgerichte Pauselijke raad voor de bevordering van de nieuwe evangelisatie.
De site - in het Engels, met vertalingen in Italiaans, Spaans en Frans -

offers Questions and Answers about the Catholic faith, life and society. Here you can find answers to the most pressing questions on current events, the Pope, prayer, science, history, etc...
Aleteia [= Grieks voor 'waarheid'] is run by a team of journalists, experts, media managers and bloggers, who are eager to find answers to your questions about the Catholic faith, life and society. They are continually producing Q&As, interviews and videos to help you learn more about what most interests you.
We often think that there are no precise, simple and well-documented answers to all the questions we ask about the Catholic faith, life and society.
Aleteia is dedicated to integrating the best available resources into our answers so we can all benefit from having information at our fingertips that none of us would be able to find on our own.
Lijkt een boeiende site. Have a look by yourself.

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