zondag 22 augustus 2010


Uit een interview met Marc kardinaal Ouellet, de afgelopen acht jaar aartsbisschop van Montréal in Canada, en nu door de paus benoemd tot Prefect van de Congregatie voor de bisschoppen:
Ouellet takes on his key role in the Vatican at a time when the Church faces a worldwide sexual abuse crisis, especially in the west, fueled by a secularist news media.
Ouellet said he shared Pope Benedict XVI’s vision that sins of the priests have come forward during the Year for Priests to give the Church “an opportunity for purification.”
Reports that go back as far as 40 years have created a sense of panic that has distanced many people from the Church, he admitted. But Ouellet said sexual abuse is a worldwide problem well beyond the Church. After the Church goes through her purification, the community of the faithful will help the rest of humanity to face this horrific problem, he said.
We have to solve the problem by virtue and prevention, not only by punishment and legal means, he said.
Ouellet came into Quebec eight years ago facing some suspicion as the “man from Rome” sent to set things straight.
He leaves Quebec beloved by many of the faithful, not only in Quebec but across Canada. At his final public celebration of the Eucharist before leaving for his new job, more than 2,000 people packed the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré to wish him farewell, sending waves of applause and gratitude and thronging him afterwards.
Ouellet called for openness to new movements in the Church, and expressed hopes those already in Quebec, such as Famille Marie-Jeunesse, Catholic Christian Outreach, and the Eucharistic movement around the Youth Summit/Montee Jeunesse will “multiply.”
“I believe deeply there will be a new evangelization,” he said.
The Cardinal also called for a new intellectual dynamism, especially a reform of education to “recapture the spirit of Christianity and “create a new Christian culture.”
“We need intellectuals for that, theologians, philosophers, Christians who really believe in the Gospel and share the doctrine of the Church on moral questions,” he said.
“We have suffered from this mentality of dissent” that is “still dominating the intelligentsia.”
“There is no real discipleship there, real discipleship,” he said. “The discipleship that is emerging is from those who believe and who really love the Church.”

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