donderdag 19 mei 2011

Fr Zuhlsdorf en mgr. Pozzo over de nieuwe 'oude-Mis-instructie'

Commentaar van de Amerikaanse Fr Zuhlsdorf - samen met (zijn) Engelse vertaling van een artikel van mgr. Guido Pozzo (secretaris van de pauselijke commissie Ecclesia Dei) in de Osservatore Romano -:
During my initial comments on the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae I made the observation that the Instruction placed Summorum Pontificum within the Magisterium of Benedict XVI. The Motu Proprio is not just juridical, but theological. It is teaching as well as law. Of course, it has to be teaching, doesn’t it? It concerns liturgy, and, as I have said a zillion times here, liturgy is doctrine. Faith, doctrine, liturgy, identity are all interlocked. They are facets reflecting the bright core of the same jewel of our beautiful and true Catholic Thing. At the core of the jewel, and any doctrinal formulation or definition which can be taught and memorized and studied, or within in any prayer or oration of our liturgical worship there is a single content convered to us: Jesus Christ, speaking, teaching, revealing, healing, raising, forgiving, saving.
Zie ook onze post van afgelopen zaterdag.

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